November 6, 2021
Foreskin restoration is a way to non-surgically regenerate a foreskin on a penis that was previously circumcised. Restoration is typically achieved by stretching the remaining skin of the penis to stimulate skin growth. A replacement foreskin, or prepuce, is regenerated via a process known as skin expansion. This is accomplished by attaching a device to the penis shaft skin. By applying gentle tension to the shaft skin via the device, the skin is stimulated to grow new skin to relieve the tension. The scientific name for this cellular growth is mitosis. By constantly applying tension in a cyclical process, we can stimulate mitosis and grow greater amounts of skin. Eventually enough new skin is created so the skin migrates down the penile shaft to cover the glans.
Restoration is usually accomplished with a restoration device. A device provides a “skin-to-tugging weight” interface in order to achieve the tension necessary to promote growth. A good device will be convenient to apply, comfortable to wear, and produce uniform results.
Foreskin restoration is a practice that dates back to ancient times. In the Hellenistic era (ancient Greece), male athletes competed at sporting events, such as the Olympics, in the nude. A penis with a foreskin was a defining characteristic of masculinity and aesthetic beauty. Men that were born with either a short foreskin (one that did not cover the head glans head completely,) or men that were subjected to religious circumcision had a serious problem. Exposure of the head of the penis was considered embarrassing and improper. Men with missing or short foreskins competing in sporting games would wear a drawstring or kynodesme (a leather strip) around the end of their penis. This would hold the foreskin forward to keep the head of the penis covered, and over time would restore a foreskin.
In 175 BC, during the reign of the Hellenistic (Greek) king Antiochus IV , Jewish men used a device called the Pondus Judaeus. It was a weight made of leather, bronze, or copper that let its user stretch his penile skin to completely cover the exposed head.

Ancient Greek wearing a kynodesme
The ability of skin tissues to stretch and expand gradually over time has been observed and documented throughout medical history. Tissue expansion is a relatively straightforward procedure that enables the body to “grow” extra skin for use in reconstructing almost any part of the body. Skin is a very dynamic, autoregulated, living system that responds to mechanical stretch through a overall gain in skin surface area. Human skin will stretch and expand to yield extra skin if placed under continuous stress over a prolonged period of time. The tension and mechanical stress applied to the skin will stimulate stem cells that proliferate to resist the tension, and so generate extra skin. Tissue expansion uses the concept of controlled overstretch to grow extra skin.
Mechanotransduction refers to the processes through which skin cells sense and respond to tension (mechanical stimuli). The stimuli converts to biochemical signals that cause cellular responses. Skin cells then respond to the application of tension by both growing and dividing to create more cells. This process is called mitosis. Foreskin restoration takes advantage of the process of mitosis to create a replacement foreskin.
Click to view cellular mitosis
The Advanced Devices Supercanister Method
Here in the 21st Century we now have better ways to restore foreskins. The Advanced Devices Supercanister Foreskin tugging device was derived from the time proven 35mm film canister design. Guys actually once used homemade tuggers cobbled from plastic film canisters, hence the name. ADI has perfected that method with the Supercanister models.
The Supercanister is a device that uses tape and adhesive to attach to the penis, but incorporates several improvements that make it vastly superior to the homemade film canister. The Novice model comes in three sizes to accommodate a range of penises. The Supercanister offers a magnetic safety release to prevent injury. The Supercanister provides for much easier bathroom breaks, and if you wear a restoration device long enough that will become important to you. You can cleanly pee while wearing the Supercanister without splashing or mess. You could even stand at a urinal wearing a Supercanister and no one would even know.
The Supercanister device is attached to the shaft of the penis to allow the skin to be comfortably held and gently stretched. The device selected may vary depending on how tightly the individual was circumcised. Someone tightly circumcised (CI-1) will need a Novice model that can reach down the shaft to attach, while someone with some sliding skin can use the Advanced device that accommodates more skin. Medical grade adhesives and tape are used to comfortably secure the Supercanister to the skin. Adhesives and tape provide the most breathable, non-restrictive, and comfortable way to attach a device to sensitive skin. This is because adhesives stick to skin to grab it and do not restrict blood flow. On the other hand “tapeless” devices compress the skin to hold it and this can restricts blood flow. The lack of blood flow can cause stinging sensations.
After a Supercanister device is properly attached, then the Torpedo weights can be attached to the device to commence tugging.

Supercanister Novice

Supercanister Advanced
Supercanister Novice and Torpedo Tugging Weights

Safety Precautions
Someone attempting foreskin restoration -by any method- must be careful to avoid causing injury, pain or discomfort to the penis. There is a risk of seriously damaging tissues from the use of excessive tension or applying tension for too long. Weight tension should not exceed 17 ounces. This is a case of “more is NOT better.” Supercanister devices are unique because they have a magnetic mechanism to relieve tension should it exceed safe limits. One should not attempt foreskin restoration when sleeping. Proper hygiene must be followed when using foreskin restoration devices to prevent UTI’s (urinary tract infection.) Wash devices that come in contact with your penis daily with soap and water. Consult with a physician prior to initiating foreskin restoration.