Anthony’s blog
This is a simple blog to keep you updated on new releases on Airforce and other ADI restoration products.
July 30, 2023. We ran our first production run of Model B inner cores, and pleased with the results.
We have all of the other components for the Model B ready for final assembly including the inner cores, covers, and air nuts. This will allow us to immediately ship finished devices once Model B is released.
August 13, 2023. We continue to test and revise the gripper mold for the Model B. We are up to revision 2-3, (over 7 changes) which I hope will be the last. Gripper testing involves optimizing the dimensional aspects of the gripper and rubber composition to ensure peak retention and air seal against the skin, while also trying to maintain a suitable level of comfort.
August 14, 2023. We ran gripper revision 3 and will start testing when cured.
August 17, 2023. Gripper B rev 2-3 in testing and being evaluated. The B size is proving to be a challenge to get the grip and comfort levels optimized.
August 20~27 ADI is closed
Sept 1, 2023. Back to CAD design, revising gripper mold cores to increase comfort level
Sept 16, 2023 Finishing work on Gripper B revisions. The shop is producing and building inventory on Model B inner cores so devices can be assembled when the grippers are completed. We commenced design work on the E and F models, these will be designed and tooled simultaneously.
Sept 18, 2023. Gripper B test molded. Commence design work on Airforce Model A
Sept 21, 2023. Gripper B test successful. Gripper B production now in shop. Making corrections to Inner core C due to production issues.
Sept 24, 2023 Model B to be released by 10/4/23
Oct 2, 2023. Produced 35 B model grippers. All parts now ready to do final assembly and take orders.
Oct 3, 2023. First Model B’s assembled and ready for shipping for previous exchange customers.

First Model B units ready for shipping
Oct 4, 2023 : Model B available for sale on the website.
Oct 25, 2023 Working on CAD drawings/models for Size E
Dec 12, 2023. Continuing design work on the Model E inner cone. Design work was stopped due to computer repair/rebuild of our CAD desktop.
01/14/24 Model E inner cone successfully produced. Scaling that component for production. Start design work on Model E Gripper.
01/21/24 Model E Gripper molds designed and prototyping in progress.
01/25/24 We were in New Hampshire advocating for new laws to protect children’s bodily autonomy
01/31/24 Designed and produced new molds for Model D to incorporate design improvements to speed production
02/04/24 Started injection molding for Model E inner cores
03/15/24 CAD Designed and produced mold for Model E gripper
03/18/24 Tested Model E gripper prototype
03/25/24 CAD Designed and produced 2nd revision of Model E gripper mold
03/29/24 Injection molded second revision of Model E Gripper
04/10/24 Producing final Mod E gripper molds
04/17/24 Model E gripper production molds complete. Anticipated release date Model E 4/19/24
04/19/24 Released Model E
05/10/24 Designed and produced Jumbo weight molds for new product release
05/21/24 CAD redesigning Model D molds for forthcoming updates.
05/30/24 Jumbo overmolded weights into production
06/10/24 Released Jumbo 17oz weights for sale
07/01/24 Start redesign of Model D molds for inner core to increase production and improve quality.
08/15/24 Complete production of Inner core D molds.
08/15/24 Start design of F model molds
08/16/24 Start redesign of Model C molds for inner core to increase production and quality improvements.
08/25/24 Complete redesign of Model C molds, commence mold production
09/01/24 Complete Model C mold redesign production
09/10/24 Start production of Inner Core Model F molds.
09/16/24 Add additional shop equipment to increase Airforce production.
10/3/24 Completed production of first batch Model F inner cores
10/3/24 Continue CAD work on F gripper molds
11/15/24 Continue CAD/Design work on gripper F
12/01/24 start F gripper molds
12/12/24 Complete revisions of F gripper molds with wavy gripping pattern
12/12/24 F size grippers in production. Airforce F models to be released 12/26/24
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